Monday, August 23, 2010

Saleh and my MID-TERM BREAK

Mid-term break wasn't so bad after all. I rehearsed, did the concert, taught, played/sang at the funeral and spent yesterday with mom-in-law! I enjoyed all of the above. In addition to this, I slept late twice (today I only got up at 1pm), spent a day with my dear friend Saleh ('twas AMAZING!), an afternoon with Mrs Kleinhans (my 80+ year old friend) and even had alone time with K! Also stayed abreast of current events (facebook!) and e-mailed a friend or two, offering true Mr Q (take responsibility for yourself) style! Was productive and I got some rest.....

The highlight of my weekend was the day with Saleh. Now I haven't seen Saleh in a LONG time. So I went to his new shop, saw the cottage he is renting, saw the house he is buying, visited his mom, visited his friend Martin, coffee in a tea garden, wine tasting in Constantia and lunch in Kalk Bay.......and chatted and joked and just enjoyed each other's company.

Saleh and I met 7 years ago. He came into my life at a crucial time, and helped me through a very difficult patch. A month before I met Saleh I was fired from my first job. According to the school (and the police report) I touched Samantha (yep a girl!!!!) inappropiately: apparently I cupped her boob and then slid my hand down to her.......ooohhhh NNNOOOO......I can't even say the word. The closest I can get to a name for it is fanny! KAKKA! I have and would NEVER, EVER even LOOK at a tart! But, I was fired from my first job after only 1 term. It would have killed me. I was broken: I did not work for 7 months! I would probably have done something really stupid if it hadn't been for Saleh. Saleh worked around the corner from where I live - he was a shop owner. I spent EVERY working day with him! I would go with him to measure curtains, hang curtains, buy material.....Saleh was, in short, the distraction that kept me sane while I was seeing lawyers, going to police stations....... I am eternally grateful to him for what he did for me, and I love him deeply.

On Friday it felt like nothing had changed. I was so exhilerated that evening. We bring out the light (as opposed to darkness) in each other. Why, though, did we allow ourselves to drift so far apart? I know why I allow that to happen: my insecurities. I am always worried that I'm gonna maak 'n las of myself - I only realised this recently, when a younger friend (jy lag al weer vir my ne) told me he doesn't sms because he doesn't want to maak 'n las. He (the younger one) knows that I love him, and I told him that he could never EVER become a las. I meant that! So you can see where I am going with this! I will not let Saleh out of my life again: he's too important to me. Hopefully he feels the I know he does!

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