Tuesday, October 4, 2011


There have been a few things I have wanted to chat about over the last few weeks. Right now I cannot remember all of them, but one of them has stuck in my head....

My mom was horribly sick a week or three ago. I took her to see my doctor. He was AMAZING by the way. I still need to thank him for everything he did for her. That's not what this blog is about though. While we were there, he asked her all sorts of medical questions which she answered truthfully, and some personal ones: he asked my mom how many children she has.

I grew up in a house with 4 siblings, all brothers. My mother had 5 sons: Mark, George, Lester, Jeremy and Nathan. All English names although we are an Afrikaans family. Mark was the sportsman, George the bookworm, Lester was the really nice guy, I was the musician and Nathan was the angelic youngest son. A mixed bunch with nothing in common, except a very strong blood bond and lots of love. We grew up. Mark, George, Lester and Nathan got married and had kids. Mark had a son and a daughter, George had 2 sons and a daughter, Lester had a son and a daughter and Nathan a daughter.

Lester and his family were in a car accident 5 years ago. They were on their way home from Cape Town (they lived in Johannesburg), Lester was driving, the car rolled a few times. Megan (his wife) and Tristan (his 1 year old son) weren't hurt at all. Shay (his 3 year old daughter) was hurt in the accident but has since fully recovered. My 31 year old brother did not survive the accident.

The recovery process is difficult. I don't think any of us will ever be the same again.

When Doctor De Klerk asked my mom how many sons she has, she said proudly (without hesitation) that she has 5 sons. My heart skipped a beat. I was so close to tears at that moment. I have never spoken to my parents about Lester's passing. It's too painful to see their grief. I have managed to suppress my own grief for years. Well - until I met another young lady who lost her sister in the same way. She's one of my students, and we have (unintentionally) shared many quiet tears. Thank you!

Back to my mom. She said she has 5 sons. My initial reaction was: has she not come to terms with this? Isn't it time to let go? This reminds me of the song that my (previously mentioned) student and I sing together and cry about EVERY TIME:

If you haven't figured out what's happening in  the song: 2 sisters are singing. One is dying. The other trying her best to say goodbye. The line that gets me every time is All my life I've lived for loving you; let me go now. But how do I let go? I have 4 brothers: Mark, George, Lester and Nathan. Lester's soul lives on somewhere. He's still my brother, not so? Is my mom right? Or does the song have the right message? I have certainly heard many arguments supporting the latter. My head also says it's time to let go. My heart is a different story though. I've only recently started grieving the loss of my brother. I need to hold on a little longer - and any of you who knew Lester will know that he would not mind...

Friday, September 16, 2011


So I am back. I have spent all this time contemplating what to do about my blog. Freedom of expression is way too important to me. So I am back.....

I have never really spoken plainly about my life here. Always assumed that everybody knew who and what I was. Just to fill you all in. At the age of 20 I entered a relationship with a man 15 years my senior. I stayed in this relationship for nearly 13 years. That is it as far as my old life goes. I cannot reveal too much about it, because it hurts the people who were part of my life. These people from my past are the reason I deleted this blog for a while. One more thing I will say about my old relationship: when I left he told me that the only way to be free  and to grow is to tell the truth: the whole sordid truth. I did. Here. There were consequences.....

"...ek het rondgeloop..." This is a quote from one of my previous blogs. This is what he was speaking about when I left. He told me I had to tell my family about the fact that I was unfaithful. I told my mom, dad and siblings. It was not easy for Dad to hear. He told me that there are certain things you just don't do. Mom knew about it. She told me I did it. My brothers said nothing. So I mentioned it here......

Ai tog!!!!!!! I have cousins who read this blog. One of them told my aunts that this blog is a place where I reveal intimate details about my sexual life in order to attract men to have "good times" with. They also told them that I say horrible things about my ex! I have read and re-read all my posts. This analysis of my blog was based on the previous quote. The complete sentence was: "Ek was 'n naai, ek het rongeloop." So this one sentence where I reveal MY SINS has alienated my family from me. I deleted this blog after chatting to an aunt (who had never read it) and seeing how much pain it caused. She has since read the blog. My mom and dad went to visit her the other day. She told them that of their 5 sons, 2 of them are good men: my deceased brother, and the 2nd born. So I'm not a good man.....

After this judgement, I realised that they would never see anything other than what they want to see. My blog would make no difference to their opinions of me - whether it existed or not. So I have brought it all back.

I was told to tell the truth. I will! The truth about me!

I am Jeremy Quickfall. A 33 year old gay man who grew up in the Cape Flats in Cape Town. My dad Ernest is a priest. He's retired, but my daddy is a PRIEST! A MAN OF GOD. I love him and I am proud of him. My mom is a MOTHER! No fancy title. A MOTHER!!! She will do ANYTHING for ANY OF HER CHILDREN. And she has the 5 of us, but so many more. There are young and old men and women from my youth who still call MY MOMMY "MAMMA". I love my mother and I am proud of her. I have 4 brothers, one of them in Heaven. When I was kicked out of the only home I had known as an adult (you told me to tell the truth), my mommy, my daddy and my brothers took me in. Mark moved out of his bedroom in his house for me. He lived in the lounge for 3 months. I love my brothers, their wives/girlfriends and their children, and I am proud to call them my siblings.

I am Jeremy Quickfall, and I am in love with Shaun Klaasen. I have committed myself to him completely. He is my soulmate, my best friend...... My intention is to spend my life with him.


Wednesday, July 27, 2011

God helps those who help themselves

So it's really been a long time hey! It's 01h13 in the morning. I should be sleeping, but every now and again I cannot - and counting sheep? Who came up with that rubbish anyway?

I stopped blogging for a while for a reason: I discovered that my blog caused distress to some folk. The reason for this blog was to share my experiences with others in the hope that it would be a little entertaining, and (dare I say) I hoped that my thoughts and experiences may help others. A very dear aunt told me that my blog really disturbed and upset her. When I asked her if she had read it, she said she had not, but that one of my cousins told her about the terribly intimate details I share of my (love/sex) life in this blog. I have read through every post, and I have not found what they may have been referring to. Any ideas???

After much thought, I have decided to continue blogging...

We're rehearsing for a production of the musical Hairspray at college right now. Early morning rehearsals (7am)! I have one in about 5 and a half hours! Silly sheep! I'm having difficulty keeping up hey. I don't know how my students do it. They start rehearsing with me at 7am tomorrow, have a full day of college and then rehearse till 10pm most nights. You MUST admire their commitment. I certainly do!

Some really good things are happening for me right now. I have started working on a TV show! Very exciting. Cannot reveal too much yet, since the show has not started airing yet, but had a GREAT rehearsal last night. VERY TALENTED PEOPLE I am working with. Once Hairspray has finished, I go into rehearsals for Forbidden Broadway (with 4 of my students in the cast!!!) while preparing for a big Xmasy thing in the Eastern Cape. Life is good!

Personally.... The last year has been difficult! VERY difficult. Leaving behind the only adult life you have known is not easy. My experiences have affirmed something I believe though: God helps those who help themselves. Although this phrase is not biblical, and there is no certainty regarding its origins, it works for me. When I moved out if the only home I had known for 12 years, I was so worried about my future: emotionally, FINANCIALLY.... Despite my paralysing fear, I (for once) did what was right for ME! I placed my trust in the universe and my family.

My family was AMAZING! On the day that I moved out, I called my big brother (I needed a place to stay). I told him what the situation was - he had had no prior warning - and asked for lodging. By the time I got to the house that he shares with my mom and dad, he had moved out of his room and into the lounge. His motivation: I needed my privacy! WOW! That's a special brother.

Right now, I am sitting on my bed, working on my brand new Sony laptop, shopping online for a new car, and searching for a property to purchase. At the beginning of 2011 I was a mess. I never thought I would get to THIS stage. But here I am! Best of all - the most amazing thing that has EVER happened to me....Shaun! My Shaun! He's away in the Eastern Cape right now, but I know where his heart is!

What have I learned? When we start doing things for ourselves - the right things DESPITE what everybody around us says - good things WILL happen. If you do not believe this, look at me!

Friday, June 3, 2011


I just realised something the other day. I don't get angry. I will scream and shout at something out of frustration yes! I get frustrated and annoyed, but anger really is foreign to me. I get sad! When others would get angry, I go sad.

It's a bit of a fuck up for me. When I'm sad I think - I don't really think much! So I'm sad today. I haven't done any work since 1pm because none of my students have pitched up. I'm sitting in my office now: ALONE! I am hardly ever alone. I have issues with being alone - and then I have issues with having people around.... Dammit!

Anger is just a cowardly extension of sadness. It's a lot easier to be angry at someone than it is to tell them you're hurt.

I just typed sadness into google and I got this quote. I like it! It is telling me something though: I must tell people when I am hurt. It's difficult though. Admitting to hurt is admitting that I'm vulnerable. I am! It's funny how people think I'm not. But then, I often think that others are not vulnerable. I think it's just me who suffers from all this insecurity! 

Why do we assume that everybody is stronger than we are? Or is it just me who does that? I look at others and see strength and confidence. I look in the mirror and see fear.....

I visited with one of my cousins the other day. I have always seen her as a strong woman. I still do! She made me think alot. We spoke about spouses, ex's, family, friends..... She reminded me that (especially with my ex) I should just say nothing unless I have something good to say about him. We discussed family: cousins, aunts, uncles..... Why is it that our extended family has such high expectations of us? I expect nothing from them! Maybe it's my upbringing, but in our house we were taught to expect nothing, and then if we got something it would be so much more special. Were my parents wrong? Maybe their teaching has taught me to settle and accept whatever shit is passed onto me??? I don't know. But I am usually content! We spoke about friends and spouses: one of my very special friends has a difficult husband - so I don't visit her. Is that fair? Am I meant to give up our lifelong friendship to avoid the hurt his comments cause? Or am I meant to hurt her by insisting she meets me somewhere else: away from him? Or do I just vreet sy kak?

So many questions, but no answers!

I'm feeling better. I love writing! It is so therapeutic!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

It's the little things....

It really is funny how everything in life just works out if we wait hey. I remember when we were growing up my dad (the priest remember) once gave a sermon about asking God for things. He said that there always is an answer: yes, no or wait. When you're a child, this bit of information is really not useful. Wait???? But when you grow up.......

I think this may be one of the most important lessons I have ever learned. When the time is right..... One such example is my current job. I was asked to apply for this job 3 years before I got it. I did not apply! It was my own fear and insecurity that prevented me from sending in that CV. In those 3 years that my predecessor taught here, I did A Handful of Keys. This iconic show changed my life. I learnt how to perform!!! Before the show I was SHITE! The show also taught me that music (especially the performance side) could be, and was meant to be fun! If I had started working at the Theatre College in 2004, my entire approach to teaching and (dare I say) mentoring would have been different. I would have destroyed personalities in the search for perfection!!! I understood about the voice then, but not about people. Whether you believe in a divinity, the goodness of nature or fate....... Everything happens at the right time......

I got a new mattress yesterday! A huge, heavy mother of a mattress. I woke up this morning feeling refreshed, my back (which had been killing me for the past few weeks) was not sore at all, and my headache (that had been there since Sunday) had miraculously disappeared! A mattress..... I picked a R6 000 mattress up for R2 000 - NEW!!!! I'm telling you guys - if you do good.....

Now I've just opened a new can of worms..... Good? Who decides what is good or bad? There are quite a number of people who would argue that I do not do good - and from the outside it probably seems that way at times. But I can confidently say that I always do my best, and that I do WHATEVER I can for WHOEVER despite how I feel about them! Shit, I sound like an angel! I'M NOT!!! There are people who I have wronged - we cannot always get it right!

Shaun is taking my mom to the movies today! I'm all emotional now! He's taking her to see Il trovatore. The little things! It really is not a biggie, but it means so much to me...... I must stop crying now, I have a student arriving in 5 mins. It really is just that little bit extra that just makes us feel that we're special hey. Cindy and Terence cooking us dinner. Chloe venting with me when I need it. Robyn walking in every morning to check how I am. Shelani's hugs. Sven taking me to SPAR to get lunch..... These things don't take much effort, but DAMN they make me feel good about myself.

I must go, gotta teach.......

Monday, May 23, 2011

Daddy's little girl!

It's funny how divorce brings such separation.....

Sounds like a silly comment, but really, it isn't. We broke up: the TWO of us - and yet everybody in our lives believe they need to take sides!

I got a phonecall from my ex on Sunday. The first time we have made contact in months. I missed the call - I was in the shower - but called back as soon as I saw he had called. I don't know what I expected, but I didn't expect a "wow, I'm so surprised to hear from you" tone. I was returning the call! And then I got a "so why haven't you called?" I smsed more than once, there was no acknowledgement. I then assumed that all ties were to be cut. Fair assumption I thought. NO. I emailed, not wanting to invade or disturb. Next question: "why must you email me?"

I have realised that after a divorce, things are going to be difficult between the divorcees. Our relationship (obviously) is terribly strained. Shortly after I moved out, one of our mutual friends said to me that I had so many people in my life. That I had ones to talk to. That I had a support system. That he had nobody! How wrong you are my love! My friends are a pillar of strength and support. My students are the same. The people who we both liked and visited (many of them family) have surrounded him with love and affirmation. It's beautiful! But I miss them......

The phonecall ended amiacably (I hope that's a word). But I was terribly disturbed after, and I couldn't calm myself down - neither could Shaun. So I did what I usually do when I am emotional or distressed: I called Pappa! Thank God for Pappa! Shaun called me Daddy's girl. He's right! In the past, whenever I needed reassurance, support, advice or just a shoulder to cry on, I'd call Pappa! He saved my life the night I nearly died of heart failure. I was sick, and was gonna stay in bed till the morning. I called him at 3am. He made me promise to go to the emergency room RIGHT AWAY! Following morning the doctor said that an hour later I may very well have died!!!

I called my Pappa! He spoke to me, telling me exactly how the world works for him. How he feels about his extended family, about his immediate family. He explained to me that he could not expect me to react the same way that he did because I was a different person. He made me laugh, he made me feel safe to cry. I told him my fears, my feelings, my insecurities.....again...... Now I'm  not saying that Pappa fixed everything! But after I spoke to him, I got up, got dressed and Shaun and I went to watch Cappricio at Cinema Nouveau.

So the point of this blog? I don't really know! Two things! Don't choose sides WITHOUT hearing both sides of the story! I have a version of what happened, he has a version of what happened. Both our stories are TRUE! Mel spent time with both of us..... funny how my friends are willing to see him..... Moenie vir my afskryf sonder om met my te praat nie, dis kak daai. Secondly: don't ever underestimate the power of Daddy! When the shit hits the fan, Pappa will always be in my corner - to moer the N@@!&R who threw the shit onto the fan in the first place......

Saturday, May 21, 2011


I got BUBBLES back today. He's been sick.... He took us all the way to Somerset East and back to Cape Town, and then went on a 6 week holiday! New petrol pump, and he's back!!!! I know that my Bubbles is old, rusty, unpredictable and slow..... But very little compares to the thrill of driving on the N1 in your OWN car.... It's a GREAT feeling.....

Great things have happened since I last blogged.... After all the sadness and difficulties faced due to the changes I have chosen to make in my life, things are looking UP! I am closer to my brothers and my parents than I ever thought I would be. Today I saw my 2 year old niece: in the past, my nieces and nephews hardly KNEW me. Mika jumps up and down with delight whenever Shaun and I see her. Today she would not leave him alone. She took him by the hand and led him through the house! We both had to promise that we were just going to my brother's house for a little while and that we were returning straight away before she would let us go. We then arrived at George's (my brother's) place and Jesse lay himself across my lap! It's AMAZING! In the past they would just say hi and leave me alone....

The last 2 weeks have been really special. I spent the week of the 9th in East london adjudicating the East London Eisteddfod. While I was there, I performed: 3 performances in total. 1 Classical performance and 2 performances of My Grand (ma se) Piano. The Classical Concert included myself, Lidia Tzoneva (a teacher at one of the high schools in East London) and Shirley Corrigan (the woman in charge of organising the eisteddfod). My singing teacher from UCT was my fellow adjudicator - so she attended the concert! I was KAK scared. It's the first time she's heard me sing in about 9 years. She was so proud of me! I'm all teary-eyed just thinking of it....

It was Shaun's birthday on Monday.... We went to the theatre a few times this week as part of the celebration. One of the shows I took him to was David Kramer's Breyani. It's the second time I've seen it. AMAZING! We went to watch the Pro Cantu Youth Choir tonight (thanks for the tickets Chloe). It's the first time I've been to see them. It was a BEAUTIFUL and very uplifting experience.

So what's that thing about life giving you lemons??? We don't all have the ability to make lemonade! It seems though, that if you just wait patiently and continue doing what is good and right for yourself and (more importantly) those around you, life will turn those lemons into lemonade for you.....

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Time Heals All Wounds.

I'm sitting on the wall outside my office. Typing on my new little pink laptop. NO! I haven't won the lottery. My previous laptop has reached the end of his life. His motherboard is screwed. I love my little pinkie! She's so cute. Goodness me, did I just call one of my possessions a girl??? Times are changing hey! There has been alot said about pinkie! Some people say she's too gay. Come on! Have you seen her MOMMY??? It's a little thing, but I feel so good about the fact that I have what people call a gay laptop.

I have suppressed my femininity for 33 years now! WHAT FOR? Because people told me it was better to be straight acting. It's fine that you're gay, as long as you're not a moffie!!!

It's a week later. I'm sitting in my office. I start work in 2 hours time. For those of you who do not know this about me: I HATE BEING LATE. Punctuality is so important to me that I leave home at least 3 hours before I need to be at work - so that I can miss the traffic.

So recently my blog has been about my break-up and the recovery process. This one is about the man I broke up with. We started seeing each other 13 years ago. He's an amazing man. I was a 2nd year university student looking after myself at the time. Although my parents offered moral support, they were not at the means to help me financially. I was 19, living on my own, paying my own university fees. Times were tough!!! I was a professional drag queen at the time. Drag paid well! I was able to pay my fees, accomodation and look after myself.....barely. Then this AMAZING man entered my life. 15 years my senior. He was willing to love me, care for me, share his life with me. I jumped at the opportunity to love him. And love him I did.....and I do! I dedicated myself to him emotionally, financially, intelectually...... I was a naai though, ek was 'n rondloper...... I know, that's an unforgivable sin. He never knew!

I lived with him, sharing EVERYTHING(!!!) for 13 years. And then one day (about 12 years into our relationship) I just wanted out. We had the perfect life: a beautiful home in the suburbs, very successful careers, beautiful cars, money to spend...... I believed we would be together forever. But after my 32nd birthday I wanted something different. It took me nearly six months to build up enough courage to finally tell him how I felt. And then another 2 months to move out!

So right now, I am happy! But he's not! And I love him! I always will. We decided that we would stay friends, but it's not that simple. Our friendship is painful. Too many memories - good ones. I want to hold him, tell him everything will be alright. I want to make him a cup of coffee. I want to wake him up when he has fallen asleep in front of the tv and make sure he gets to bed. I want to cut his hair because he hates the hairdresser. I want to.........

I can't!

I remember how I used to snuggle up to him every night while we fell asleep. How we used to chat in bed for quite a while before saying goodnight. I can't bear the thought that he is lying alone.......

I can't........

So my question now is this (though I already know the answer): Will I ever stop loving him?


Having answered that one: How do I forgive myself for what I have done to him?

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Tell me lies, tell me sweet little lies!

So it's been a while. I know! My life has changed so much over the past 2 months. I'm sitting on my bed in my mom's house. A man 2 days away from his 33rd birthday living with his mom. I sound like a failure! If you listen to what certain people are saying about my decision to move in with my mother you would believe that. Which brings me to the point of this blog. Well, two points: success/failure and lies/truth.

It's in your eyes, feelings can't be disquised
Cause the truth makes me want you to tell me lies
My biggest fear is crying oceans of tears
I would rather you not be so sincere

These are the opening lines of Ashley Tisdale's Tell Me Lies. It's funny how everybody always tells us that we need to be truthful at all times. Yet, when we are truthful, we get told we are rude. Sit 'n wag voor jou mond. Jeremy never knows when he's gone too far. How could you tell her THAT??? My response to the last question: Why did she ask then?

Everywhere we go, people demand the truth. Especially people who have been put in positions as our superiors. They will give us their opinions of everything we do: from the way we dress to our telephone conversation manner. Now my mind works in tangents (as in when I speak about one thing I think of something else), and my tangent right now is this: who decides what the truth is? Your boss's opinion is his truth, not necessarily the truth. So does this mean that my truth is also valid? Good question....

It seems to me that often, especially in relationships, there is one truth that is accepted by the bulk of the people wo see the relationship from the outside. They generally accept the truth that the dominant partner tells about the relationship. What makes this more scary is that sometimes even the more submissive partner accepts the other's truth. So you have the weaker individual living in the shadow (and sometimes by the rules) of the stronger one. And when the relationship ends, most people will still just listen to ONE truth.....

So I have touched on what success is not to me briefly in one of my previous blogs: Happiness.....  I think that the most critical judges of our success or failure is our family. Not our immediate family, but rather our aunts, uncles and cousins. My mother makes mental notes of everything I tell her so she can go and tell my aunts about EVERYTHING even vaguely impressive. I've sat in on those conversations before. When my mom starts telling them, I leave. I love my mother, and I love that she has things to say about me; but I prefer to keep my success to myself. Another tangent: if it wasn't for the newspapers my mom may have nothing to brag about..... I'm gonna sound all arty farty now, but success is something completely different to me. It's not the money that makes the man, it's the people whose hearts he touches. My father started out his career as a very succesful man. He came from a family of teachers, he was the youngest of 8 children, and the only one who ever became a headmaster. At the age of 36, my father left his position as headmaster and went to college (a wife and four kids in tow) to study to become a priest. I was too young to remember what dad was like before, but to me Pappa was a hero. The people LOVED him. My father was a GOOD PRIEST! My mother stayed home to look after us. When I was a laaitie, I bragged with my parents. We all did (the brothers). My parents have NO MONEY, but they touched so many lives. Whenever I go to Mitchell's Plain people still talk about my father's ministry. The parish I grew up in still wants my little old daddy back. The world sees my daddy differently. He is a pensioner with a broken car, no house, and a few of his children (including me) still living with him.....

Now to get to the point of all of this. I was admired as being a succesful man: expensive car, healthy long term relationship, beautiful home in a sought after area, good job with a good income. The only thing on that list that I still have is the job. Many people don't understand why I would have done what I did. It seems silly! But I feel like such a success now. I have FINALLY stood up for myself and what I believe. It seems to some that I have no prospects right now, but I am (finally) HAPPY! I feel like a MAN! As for the bit about lies: there are so many untruths going around (especially in my family) about what happened between Keith and I. I'm meant to be at my godson's birthday party today.......

So, I'm sitting in my mommy's house on my brother's bed. All I own is a kak bakkie, but I am a MAN!!! I feel good......

Monday, January 31, 2011

3 weeks later...

So I've been living with my mom for 3 weeks now. I was rather embarassed when I had to admit to this fact initially. A 32 year old man who moved out of home before he was 20 now back at mom's! She's loving it though. In some respects, so am I. My mom cooks everyday, and I bring leftovers to work. My hungry students look at me with such envy daily. One of them opened my lunchbox today - after I had finished my food - just to taste the sauce of the tomato bredie I had brought to work today.

Another privilege is that I'm getting to know my little neice who lives at mom's. Mika. I have never been terribly fond of children, but then I have never had a child live in the same house as me. Mika is a beautiful baby. She turns 2 in April.

I never thought that I would say that I love a child (brat - that's what I used to call them), but Mika Jada Quickfall has crawled under my skin. I am totally addicted to this little girl. Until she takes a crap! Then I don't wanna know her. The last nappy I cleaned was sis-in-law's (well ex now) baby - who started high school this year! Actually, when I think of it, that little girl and her brother were the first 2 kids I was addicted to. Funny, when we broke up, I never considered the effect our break up would have on my relationship with the in-laws. I miss them. Especially the kids. No, all of them.....

It surprises me how much I miss my ex-in-laws. I spent so much time at their homes! I played an important role in all the family get-togethers. When I wasn't there, they would miss me! They accepted me (all of them) with open arms as a son, a brother and an uncle. NO QUESTIONS ASKED! When the shit hit the fan, I would go and visit them, and I'd feel better. Whenever anything good or bad happened in my life, they were the first people to call and visit: to help celebrate or to help accross a difficult patch in my path. When Lester died, they were all still grieveing the recent loss of their dad. But they flew to Johannesburg to be with ME at my brother's funeral. I really miss them!

I was gonna write more, but now I'm slightly otherwise..... I shall continue later.......

Sunday, January 23, 2011


Bubbles - that's the name of my new bakkie!!! You could hardly call it new, but it's new to me. Below is a pic of Fleming. Fleming was my previous means of transport!

I loved Fleming! The very first time I met him, I knew he was meant to be mine. The salesman told me to park on the beachfront in the Strand, and when he came down that long stretch of road I just KNEW that that Alfa was meant for me. He gave me amazing service for over 3 years...and he was FUN! Yor, he could fuck off hey! People admired his sexy lines......

Fleming has been sold! Gary (his new daddy) took delivery of him on Thursday! So I have (due to unforseen circumstances -see previous blog post) had to downgrade ever so slightly. My new little boy is Bubbles!

Now as you can see, Bubbles is not going to win any popuarity contests.... Nope, he's VERY DIFFERENT from Fleming. However, I don't want to have to take the train soon again. I don't mind the rust, the boring colour or the look of my little Bubbles. BUT I MIND THAT AWFUL ROOF RACK!!!!! My little boy will undergo a gradual transformation over the next few months! But for now, he's keeping his current look. I must just tell you that that roofrack was almost a deal breaker. Now I don't have an issue with straight, butch people. But must my cute little baby have his cuteness violated by this galvanised steel resin-mounted monstrosity??? I mean, if us queens get to parade our personalities the way we do, then maybe those of the non-queen variety should get to do the same! But now my poor little innocent Bubbles must be the victim!!! Don't worry my baby, soon Mommy will make it all better. We'll take off that big manly thingy on your kappie and replace it with something.......pink.......and feathered....... Mommy must just make us some money first okay!!!

All jokes aside. I HATE the rack!!!! But I haven't been this excited in a long time! It's a bit blind to go in to work with a rusty Ford Bantam 1400 19voertsek bakkie after my Alfa Romeo Sportswagon 2.5 V6........ But he's mine! And when I look at Bubbles, I see potential! In a few months time I shall post new pics of my little boy! I can't wait to see the response then.

Potential! My life is pretty shit at the moment (financially especially) compared to what it was! But, there is potential for much change....... Positive change! I am convinced that GREAT things are gonna continue happening for me. Despite obstacles and difficulty along my journey, my life thus far has been quite extraordinary.......and it will continue. How many of you thought that Mr Q would EVER drive an old blue bakkie????

But you know what? Bubbles is all I need! I loved the climate control, cruise control, momo leather, bose sound, rain sensors........but a car is a thing to get you from point a to point b in some degree of comfort. Compared to the train, Bubbles is a five star hotel! And he's a bit like me: an old work horse......

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The End of an Era

It's been a while. Rosanna asked me the other day why I haven't been blogging. My response? I've had nothing positive to say. The holidays were very difficult for me. I decided to end a very special relationship. My partner for nearly 13 years (it would have been 13 on the 13th March) and I decided to break up! It's not been easy. Especially because there was nothing wrong with our relationship. I wasn't unhappy, we didn't fight, we had no financial problems. So why the break up then?

I have asked myself this question many times. We were admired by our friends as being an example of 2 gay men in a long term relationship. We did everything together. Did the overseas holidays, dinner dates, family events... He spent alot of time at my office: the students LOVE him. People who were part of my life before us admired his gentle, caring, generous nature. He was committed to me!!!

It was a funny thing that triggered my decision to end it all. I blogged one day about being an optimist. In that blog I mentioned a moment where I found myself dancing in the street of the home we had lived in for 10 years. I was SO HAPPY at that moment! Unfortunately, he did not share in my happiness.... This started a train of thought.

I then looked at our relationship, making a list of pros and cons! You know, like on the movies. The pros FAR outnumbered the cons. The cons was this little list of nearly nothing, and the pros continued indefinitely! I had 'married' a GOOD and moral man. A committed partner, and supportive husband. An attractive man that many would love to have!

My best friend often speaks of deal-breakers! You know, things that just are not negotiable. There was a deal breaker! One tiny phrase on my list of cons that I had lived with for 12 years, that I was just not willing to do anymore.....

So the break up happened. IT WAS DIFFICULT! Those of you who are my friends KNOW that you were all ignored during these holidays. I had something MAJOR on my mind. Emotional ups and downs! FUCK but I cried. I thought at one stage my tear ducts could not produce any more tears. The worst part of all this? I had to do it alone. There are 1 or 2 people I spoke to at the time. But people have their own lives and issues to deal with. They cannot be at your beck and call just because your life is falling apart! They have their own shit. I remember feeling so alone! NEEDING someone to talk to. Someone to hold and tell me everything was going to be okay! I KNOW that I have friends who would GLADLY have done this for me. But it's blind to ask someone to hold you, just because you need it.... Especially when so many perceive you as being some sort of Superman person....

I moved out of my HOME 11 days ago. It was so difficult to leave. I packed my things, loaded up my station wagon, and was going to leave... I then took a walk through MY HOME! 10 years! We had decorated our home together. The straight lines and clinical approach were his contribution, mine was the browns and fabrics: the things that softened everything and gave it that homely feel. I stood in the lounge for a few mins - he was outside cleaning MY POND and tending to MY FISH - and cried. I'm getting all emotional now again... My home... Every piece of furniture, every cabinet, every ornamental piece I helped choose and place where it was. I had spent hours cleaning things carefully and lovingly placing it back at the spot that I chose for years... That house was an extension of who I am, who we were, and I was leaving it all behind... Fuck, I'm sobbing now...

I miss him! FUCK I miss him... My entire adult life! I'm 32! I was 20 and 5 days old when we went on our first date...

So now. I'm living with mom. I have no car. I'm in the Northern Suburbs!!! I'm a city girl dammit. If I made a list of pros and cons now, it would still look on paper like I made a bad choice. But my life is not a comparitive table! Granted, things aren't looking great right now...

However, the support I have had from friends and especially students and colleagues has been amazing! There are a few students who check up on me every day or two just to make sure I am coping. One of them offered me a ride in her 'blue ferrari' if ever I needed it. Hugs are plenty. My boss has been so supportive. I LOVE MY JOB! And, despite the difficulty of my situation, I feel that my future is filled with possibility and happiness. I don't know what the hell will happen, but I haven't been this excited and energised since I was a teenager. I feel good.....