Sunday, November 24, 2019

Life Skills - Sjoe!

I haven't blogged in years now, but I have always found blogging very therapeutic.

I find myself at a Life Skills Clinic this morning. After a few panic attacks, a lovely doctor in an emergency room had me checked into here. I had never heard of one of these places before. I did not know they existed. I've heard of people going to clinic for stress, but had no idea.

So it's a very cheerful place. Lots of light, huge bedrooms and bathrooms, all the privacy we need. Medication is administered on time, so we don't even need to think of that. Lots of friendly staff and patients, and amazing food.

Alot of free time. I go through life with a nervous knot in my tummy. It is always there. I fear new experiences - I love travelling for example, but always want to cancel the trip the day before.

This morning I have nothing to worry about, nothing at all. All my needs are taken care of. But you know what? I have a nervous knot in my stomach. I am also terrified. I don't know if it's the impending group therapy session? Or fear of my responsibilities for this week? But I'm scared.

That's it for today. I'll keep writing while I'm here. Iove to share.


  1. Jeremy this is such good news! Reading between the lines I can see that you are discovering something new and embracing it. Being willing to let others, yes even strangers, look after you in your time of need is encouraging. Enjoy your breather and please continue to write. Writing is so therapeutic. Love you loads x
